At this point sitting on the sidelines waiting for my investment to show up, all I am doing is looking at videos and photos. There are so many options, and so many of you are really getting good surf results with your mods. It's fun to watch.
But, it's time to put up or shut up. If you don't have photo or video proof then it's all just opinion, and just like buttholes, everyone seems to have them and in the case of opinions sharing them here (I don't want to see your buttholes) ha.
So on the vein of the putting up and shutting up, the Gantlin product package of wedge and custom ballast puts up. All photos and video seem to be amazing. If that package fits your budget and style, it seems like a great deal.
The Wake booster seems like an ideal package for those getting started. As it's simple to install, simple to move, and it's the complete package for the starters that don't even own a board. AND, the pics/video seem to be great so far
The TVWake, from what little we have seen seems to be working, and to our surprise, the single engine boats seem to be cleaning up better than the twins. Or maybe it's just because there are more of them out and installed so far. And their ballast seems to be great for those that want to fine tune if you don't mind the weight always being there, it's not for everyone.
My bummer is I have yet to see what one of the TVW prototypes will do on a 242 with or without ballast. And better yet, with the Gantlin transom ballast, which seems to be the most flexible/efficient use of ballast on these boats. I don't know of anyone that owns this bag and has gotten the TVW or prototype installed yet. And I don't expect JBPilot to show results using competitive products like the bag or the booster. (please don't go off on me about the vid with the speed control product, i'm over that conversation as it does not concern me, they can work it out)
So until that comes along, I am just going to sit back and wait for that proof, or my order to be shipped. At that time, I will do the same, put up some photos/video or ship it back and get a refund. And at that same time, I will shut up about this stupid witch hunt going on. It's not productive to any of the conversations going on here. If you have made an investment in a competitors product, fine we hope to see photos and videos (as most of you have done)
If you have given up with yamaha altogether and moved on, great, we even enjoy seeing what the other boats are doing. But end this stupid witch hunt. If these vendors have issues with each other, let them hammer it out offline or in court. If they didn't feel the need to chase it that far, then why the hell should we hash it out for them here?
Let it rest, and get out on your boat already. And if you find some flaws in any of these products, please continue to share them back to the vendors as that is productive conversation. But not in the form of a witch hunt. If I have issues when I actually get my order, I would go back to them right away. If they can't make it right, I will get a refund. Enough said.