Lots of good info by all in this thread. The following comments are my opinion alone, experiences may vary:
I will disagree with only one comment my good friend
@OperationROL made. I don't feel my Tige porpoises more than my Yamaha. In fact I feel I have more control. The particular boat hull will determine if weight in the bow will help with this. In mine it's not any more effective running bow weight than adjusting the attitude of the boat with the TAPS2 plate. If I add weight when running in heavy chop (LOTO main channel), I add it fairly evenly in the boat. Throttle control (ie - speed) is important in both boat types to reduce any porpoising.
It sounds like
@Sheboat enjoys pulling a tube more with her Malibu. I don't. Mostly because I am pulling young kids and the wake is so deep its hard to get them in and out of the wake without going too fast for their comfort. The boat is so freaking heavy it flattens out all the fun stuff!
We do both agree that we miss our Yamaha's for being awesome all around boats.
A dedicated wake boat will mostly ride rougher in chop because of the hull shape and be less adequate at all around usage. That said, I love our boat. Knowing your boat well impacts how you make it perform in most situations. Our boat is almost 2k pounds heavier than our Yamaha, both labeled as 23'ers!
So, I tend not to be bounced around as much as my lighter jet boat was and definitely don't get loose crossing wakes like a finless/rudderless jet boat can.
At the price point Yamaha has increased too, the jump to a dedicate wake boat isn't nearly as far as the sticker would suggest. A wake boat dealer will generally have a larger margin to deal on, especially off season or model year change. I would also humbly counter the argument that resale is worse on an inboard. Mine is still worth approx 85-88% of purchase price on trade 2 years later. Yes, I bought very well, but you have more opportunity to do that if you shop smart. My Yamaha did very well too on value. It was still worth 60-70% of purchase price (below MSRP) 7 years later.
So why buy one over the other? It depends on what you like to do the most. Purpose built wake boats ski, surf, wakeboard better out of the box hands down. Can you do awesome things by modifying your Yamaha? Yep! But if you are somewhere between casual enthusiast and wishing you were a pro, you may want more that a jet boat can offer. For us, we do water sports 95% of the time. In fact my wife is always asking me if I am filling ballast before the boat is backed out of the slip and the motor is warm!
We bought our boat for this one reason - SURF! I feel it does it as well or better than any other boat on the market: