Some people are just “A$$holes” and giving them a hard time about it only makes it worse. For clarification, sometimes I want this type of person on my side, for example most of the litigators I’ve met but not here where I’m just trying to learn more about boats or share tips, tricks and boating experiences.
I hit the ignore button on CT a long time ago and have only used it one other time. In my opinion, ignoring a member completely is a harder hit and says a lot more than continuing the argument or discussion, in effect I’m symbolically stating that the persons I am ignoring have little or nothing of value to contribute to the conversation such that it’s not worth my time to even read what they write. It does make understanding threads like this harder but I’m sure it has kept my blood pressure down so it’s worth the extra effort for me.
Here is a simple how to ignore a member tutorial: 1. Click on the members name on on of their posts. 2. Click the blue “Ignore” button. See the screen shot below.
Note, I did not ignore zipper and I’m not advocating that anyone do so, his post was and name just happened to be right before this one.
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