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My male boxer, Baxter, does the same thing. Seems like once a year he brings one home or catches it in his yard while my female boxer, Isabel, just hangs around and watches. The first time I did the same thing as you, got the dogs away from the possum, went to get a shovel and poof it was gone. Now when he brings a possum home, I get him away, wait 15 minutes, then go check on the critter and so far each time the possum is gone. Most critters don't bother me but for some reason possums freak me out.Our boxer Laila was dying to go out early one morning (about 4:30 ..pitch black out) and I let her out and happened to walk out with her. She BOLTED off the patio to the back corner of the yard and was TEARING SOMETHING UP....I mean she was ripping something to shreds....I bolted across the yard screaming her name and hoping I didn't step in dog crap and unsure what I was going to do when I did get there since it was pitch black out. She stopped when I got about 5 feet away and just walked off like nothing happened. So I go in the house and find a flashlight and sandals and go back out....there was a possum laying there dead as anything.
I go find a shovel and a garbage bag and go to get it....GONE....Damn little thing was fakin it.
week or so later, she brought it into the florida room and dropped it by the door...Super dead for real this time....Laila 1 - Possum 0.
They are ugly looking suckers....the mole is near the top though....Those things look like baby chupacabrasMy male boxer, Baxter, does the same thing. Seems like once a year he brings one home or catches it in his yard while my female boxer, Isabel, just hangs around and watches. The first time I did the same thing as you, got the dogs away from the possum, went to get a shovel and poof it was gone. Now when he brings a possum home, I get him away, wait 15 minutes, then go check on the critter and so far each time the possum is gone. Most critters don't bother me but for some reason possums freak me out.
When I saw this picture I thought I would see where you are in Indiana. I pulled up the members map and was amused to see that you aren't too far from De Motte, IN. My previous job (7+ years ago ) had a terminal in De Motte and the terminal manager lived in Crown Point, both are pretty close to Cedar Lake. It's a small world.
That's awesome! We love being in Cedar Lake to go boating on anytime you want. Close enough to Lake Michigan for the big lake. You should come up and see it sometime. We actually hope to move to Kentucky or at least have a second home down there and can talk to you when we retire so maybe we'll come and visit you to go exploring once!
Friday Night Lights in Texas!
View attachment 29582
BOOYA....that's a lotta bird!