Ok, but McCains unprovoked statement about Trump and those in AZ supporting him at the time (in the primary) was ok by you?
You apparently don’t remember McCain calling your fellow Arizonians “Crazies”?:
July 16, 2015:The New Yorker published McCain's reaction to Trump's Arizona rally. “This performance with our friend out in Phoenix is very hurtful to me,” McCain said in the interview. “Because what he did was he fired up the crazies.” Trump
immediately fired back on Twitter, demanding that McCain apologize for the "crazies" remark and calling McCain a "dummy" for graduating last in his class at the U.S. Naval Academy.
And what did Trump say about McCain the day before that drew the “fired up the Crazies” statement from McCain and was so “hurtful” to McCain? He had called McCain weak on immigration, which was an absolutely true statement. Trump made the “captured” Statement in response to McCain calling the Phoenix rally attendees “crazies”........and why was it a “blanket statement”? He directed it to McCain specifically and you know that......
You know what I expect out of our elected officials??? I expect each and every one of them to put the priorities of their constituents first before anything else.....which very few do these days.......very few.
Of all the things Trump has done wrong in 4 years, he gets no credit from you for doing anything right? How about he has been the Commander in Chief over a military that has seen the least amount of casualties in a four-year span (over any other recent president?)
How about he rebuilt the military so that our enemies now have to think twice/thrice before making a move against us (watch and research all of the news shows/articles about how much of our military planes were grounded due to parts and maintenance issues pre-2016. Or don’t you remember the public fund raisers going on to get body armor and Humvee armor for our troops in Iraq during GWB, because for some reason our military couldn’t provide it when the roadside bombs started?). So he wants to make absolutely sure before we send in the troops and make sure they have everything they need to win (unlike the last 2 presidents of both parties and I gave you examples), yet he doesn’t care about the military?
No new wars in 4 years, from a guy we were told is such a narcissist he was going to start WW3??
So someone THAT concerned about our soldiers wellbeing (funding and restraint) is going to, in the next breath, say those derogatory things about our veterans???? The same guy that has FIRED a bunch of people in the VA Hospitals for incompetence......sorry but the math just doesn’t add up here.....
BTW, sorry but you can’t be a republican and vote for Hillary in 2016, and vote for Biden in 2020...it just doesn’t work that way........titling yourself a republican means you support the Republican Party, which means you vote for the candidate that the republican party nominates......2 elections in a row....changes your position whether your like it or not (Hey nothing wrong with being an educated Democrat or independent either, its called freedom).
Nice picture though.....handsome lad you are