@King you want an external cooler on that transmission even as a daily driver without towing duties. The 4L60E does NOT like to be overheated. Anything over 210-220degF and you start degrading fluid properties. The long you stay or the higher you go, the more often you need to change that fluid.
Any number of places will sell you a kit to add the trans cooler for a few hundred bucks or less and it's cheap insurance. Likewise moving to a cast aluminum pan with a drain plug will.also help with temps and allow super easy fluid changes.
If your model has the Tow/Haul mode; use it. It locks the torque converter above 35moh, and changes shift points to protect the clutches and keep temps down. Testing my my '03 Yukon showed about a 40-50deg decrease in trans temp by using Tow/Haul mode.
#1 killer of that transmission is a 4->2 downshift. The trans has to simultaneously stop two clutches. Under heavy load you'll run the risk of breaking physical parts. ALWAYS pull the trans down to 3rd, let that shift happen, then proceed to 2nd if needed. Don't just stand on the gas on the expressway from 4th and let it drop to second on its own.
I've owned that same transmission behind everything from a 98hp 2.2L 4cyl in an S10, to a 425hp 6.0L V8 in my TBSS, couple of 5.3's, and a 4.3 as well. Also helped convert several Sy/Ty's to a 4L60E( and 4L80E) from the old 700R4. Keep them cool, and be predictable with the shifting and they'll live for years. Beat on them or overheat them and they'll last for days.