If it is was me, and it isn't this year, I always look at residual value and resale. No idea what the future holds, but a newer model year is going to be valued at more than an older model year. Of course this past year has been an anomaly. Sooner or later this will correct and I would prefer a more current year as a buyer and seller.
I do believe that boat prices, etc. will correct a bit by next spring once inventory is moving again and this could provide possible incentives and discounts.
Also, I would assume, and again this is an assumption, that boats moving forward may have a bit better QA, etc. Rather than some of the corners that have most likely been cut to get some of these boats out the door.
As far as feature upgrades on the 25' footers, you are most likely correct. I doubt much will happen in the next few years.
If you are going to use the boat a great deal in late July or august, it may be worth it to have it this year, if it does show up in the next couple/few weeks. My personal use case in August would be 1 or at the most two times a week give or take. So I wouldn't be missing too much if I stood pat. I am on the lower side of usage.
Personally it would irk me that as my 2021 model year boat is showing up, if it does, that they are building 2022's and getting ready to start shipping them out, after I waited for so long.
Just some of my musings.
I do like the AR250 a lot and it would be the boat I would go to, but I need to wait out this new model year or get to next to see how the rumors of the 22' footers materialize first, too see what they are all about. Also even though it is not likely for changes or features, it is always possible on the 25' footers. If the new model year is a couple months away, I am already down the rabbit hole so might as well just hold out and see.
@4ukwildcata I see you are in KY. I am in Michigan. Your season is probably longer than mine as well. First of Sept. water here is cooling off so watersports die off. Salmon start to run then it is game over till next May.